Here is the first update in 7 months! The big new feature is integration with Macrostrat for live geology data. There are a number of small improvements and bug fixes. (See lists below).
If you are unfamiliar with Macrostrat, check out the following urls:
- Improved MapBuilder
- Added Regional geology via Macrostrat map active mal level and data via API
- Improved zoom / select / display data for current view for shapefile layer and Macrostrat layer
- Added Macrostrat data legend
- Added Zoom to double-clicked Smallest feature
- Improved Mine layer Labels
- Simplified MapBuilder code for data selection on map
- Allowing Macrastrat and active map layer to be loaded into a map at the same time.
- Improved DRC About dialog.
- Improved NSIS installer scripts for Windows 10/11.
- General UI Improvements
- Label queue screen improvements
- Image Viewer improvements
- Image Slide Show improvements
- Added CloseOthers button and CloseAll button to main window.
- Upgraded bootstrap and log4net libraries for security issues.
- Added ImageType description to image description text in SlideShow.xaml
- Added web site logo image to main window.
Bugs Fixed:
- Fixed Null exception error on RemoveImageAction when current object is null
- DataSearch: Fixed mineral dropdown value sort
- Fixed Search dialog – added code to prevent double-click on row from opening record when search is hosted in dialog.
- Sometimes image cannot be marked or unmarked as favorite from imageviewer view
- Fixed start date issue after first of the year on SlideShow
- Fixed bug showing all images on SlideShow
- Improved memory management by adding UserControlUnLoaded() to several viewmodels with observable collections of ImageViewModel
- Improved code to unload view cleaning up after ImageViewModel dispose.
- Bug where UserControlUnLoaded() called when switching between views
- Fixed Bug where Imageviewer can be loaded twice
- Fixed error loading arranged image source and fixed error when fossil.ProperName is null
- Fixed List data visibility issue on Datasearch screen.
- Bug fix: Order images for display by taken descending for MineralCollection
- Fixed double-click to open FossilReferenceImage
You can download this update from DRC 4.0 itself. You can also download the update directly from here: DRC_Update.exe
Note: Full version of DRC 4.0 is required to install this update.