Digital Rockhound’s Companion site and blog.

Welcome! After 14 years I finally moved away from Blogger as a home for my mineral collecting blog. It is too bad really, Blogger had been good to me for many years but Google no longer sees Blogger as a project worthy of really maintaining and they seem content to allow it to slowly die on the the vine.

After some research, I decided to dive into using a hosted instance of WordPress on I am new to WordPress and the learning curve is quite significant compared with Blogger. During the last twelves months using this site, I now have a basic understanding of Linux droplets (hosting mechanism for my WordPress site), domain name registration (although it was through Google Domains another business unit Google has decided to sell off), SSL registration for my site, and basic backup / recovery of my droplet. With WordPress, I’ve had to learn how to implement several addons such as Blogger import, two factor authentication, malware /security tools. I had to disable user registration and site comments because the default configuration in WordPress allowed too much spam and suspicious user activity on the site. Figuring out best way to allow user comments will be a project I tackle this fall.

The style and personality of this site is still in flux but right now it is blog and most of the content can be found here: