From VA Div of Geology and Mineral Resources: Virginia Minerals

Issues of Virginia Minerals contain articles on mineral resources and industries, geologic studies, road log descriptions of geologic features, mineral and fossil characteristics, topographic mapping and DGMR activities.


VOL 51,

NO. 1 & 2

Trends in the depth, yield, and water quality of wells in Virginia related to geologic conditions, 2008.
VOL 50,

NO. 3 & 4

Characterization of variably lithified feldspathic sands in the inner Coastal Plain and Fall Zone, 2007.
VOL 50,

NO. 2

The Allah Cooper (Valcooper) mine revisited, 2007.
VOL 50,

NO. 1

Kipps’ Lime-Magnesia, 2007.
VOL. 49,

NO. 3 & 4

Eocene igneous rocks near Monterey, Virginia: A field study, 2006.
VOL. 49,

NO. 1 & 2

Bettie Martin iron mine and Old’s furnace North Garden, Virginia, 2006.
VOL. 48,

NO. 4

A preliminary investigation of the Chimborazo Hill landslide of August 30, 2004, 2005.
VOL. 48,

NO. 2 & 3

A guide to the educational rock and mineral garden: Samples of Virginia’s geological diversity, 2002.
VOL. 48,

NO. 1

Use of coal combustion products in Virginia, 2002.
VOL. 47,

NO. 4

Geology and history of Confederate saltpeter cave operations in western Virginia, 2001.
VOL. 47,

NO. 3

Some of Virginia’s imported and exported mineral commodities and products, 2001.
VOL. 47,

NO. 2

Reference section of the Cambrian-age Rome Formation to Ordovician-age Mascot Dolomite measured near Gate City, Virginia, 2001.
VOL. 47,

NO. 1

Analyses of carbonate rocks in the Virginia portion of the Middlesboro 1:100,000 sheet, 2001.
VOL. 46,

NO. 4

Lightning creates a Virginia fulgurite, 2000.

A chronological listing of Virginia Minerals articles – 1954-2000.

VOL. 46,

NO. 3

Structure and tectonics field trip to the eastern Blue Ridge and western Piedmont near Martinsville, Virginia, 2000.
VOL. 46,

NO. 2

The Morefield pegmatite, Amelia, Virginia, Mineral Update, 2000.
VOL. 46,

NO. 1

Geology and history of the Confederate coal mines in Montgomery County, Virginia, 2000.
VOL. 45,

NO. 4

The Culpeper Basin, 1999.
VOL. 45,

NO. 3

Vein quartz in Virginia, 1999.
VOL. 45,

NO. 2

Addressing mineral resources in comprehensive planning, 1999.
VOL. 45,

NO. 1

Mammoth tooth found in Endless Caverns, Virginia, 1999.

Coordinate systems used on Virginia’s topographic maps

Mineral Update: Chrysoberyl

Virginia Mineral Resources: 1998

VOL. 44,

NO. 4

Geology and history of the Civil War iron industry in the New River-Cripple Creek District of Southwest Virginia, 1998.
VOL. 44,

NO. 3

History of brick in Charlottesville and Albemarle County, 1998.
VOL. 44,

NO. 2

Mining and processing by-product resources in Virginia, 1998.
VOL. 44,

NO. 1

The Cold Spring and related clay deposits along the western slope of the central Blue Ridge in Virginia, 1998.
VOL. 43,

NO. 4

Geology and the Civil War in southwestern Virginia: Union Raiders in the New River valley, May 1864, 1997.
VOL. 43,

NO. 3

Virginia mining 1995: An eleven and one-half billion dollar industry, 1997.
VOL. 43,

NO. 2

Ancient Warm Springs deposits in Bath and Rockingham Counties, Virginia, 1997.
VOL. 43,

NO. 1

SEM and EMX study of titaniferous minerals in the Ordovician Deike K-bentonite of southwestern Virginia, 1997.
VOL. 42,

NO. 4

Diamonds in Virginia, 1996.
VOL. 42,

NO. 3

Geology and the Civil War in southwestern Virginia: The Smyth County Salt Works, 1996.
VOL. 42,

NO. 2

Geology and the Civil War in southwestern Virginia: The Wythe County Lead Mines, 1996.
VOL. 42,

NO. 1

Catalog of Virginia oil and gas well samples, 1996.
VOL. 41,

NO. 4

The highest mountain in Virginia: Mt. Rogers and Whitetop or…Balsam and Meadow Mountains?, 1995.
VOL. 41,

NO. 3

Cadmium, Gallium, and Germanium resources in Virginia, 1995.
VOL. 41,

NO. 2

Update on unreported occurrences of gold-silver in Virginia, 1995.
VOL. 41,

NO. 1

Coalbed methane in Virginia, 1995.
VOL. 40,

NO. 3/4

Grenville-age ultramafic plutons in the northern Virginia Blue Ridge, 1994.

Notes on ancient logs, Alleghany County, Virginia

VOL. 40,

NO. 1/2

Minerals of Rockbridge County, Virginia, 1994.
VOL. 39,

NO. 4

Field guide to the Ordovician Walker Mountain Sandstone Member: Proposed type section and other exposures, 1993.
VOL. 39,

NO. 3

Department of Mines, Minerals and Energy Division of Mineral Resources – The State Geological Survey, 1993.

Mineral update: Goyazite.

VOL. 39,

NO. 1/2

Interesting uses of stone in Virginia part II, 1993.
VOL. 38,

NO. 4

Interesting uses of stone in Virginia part I, 1992.
VOL. 38,

NO. 3

Gemstones and decorative-ornamental stones of Virginia, 1992.
VOL. 38,

NO. 2

Mineral collecting sites in Virginia, 1992.

Mineral update: Rockbridgite

Pyromorphite from the Morefield mine, Amelia County, Virginia

Prosopite from the Morefield mine, Amelia County, Virginia

Large spessartine garnet discovery

VOL. 38,

NO. 1

Large andalusite crystals from Campbell County, Virginia, 1992.
VOL. 37,

NO. 4

Balcony Falls, 1991

The charcoal iron industry in Virginia

Mineral update: Strengite from the Morefield mine

VOL. 37,

NO. 3

Available coal resources of the Wise 7.5-minute quadrangle, Virginia, 1991.

Potential geologic hazards – Sinkhole assessment

VOL. 37,

NO. 2

Natural Radiation, 1991.

Mineral update: Erythrite

VOL. 37,

NO. 1

Precious-metal mines, prospects, and occurrences in Virginia – an update, 1991.

Potential geological hazards – Expansive soils

VOL. 36,

NO. 4

Mineral industry in Virginia – 1989, 1990.
VOL. 36,

NO. 3

The geology of Natural Tunnel State Park, 1990.
VOL. 36,

NO. 2

Non-bauxitic alumina resources in Virginia, 1990.
VOL. 36,

NO. 1

Oil and gas exploration and development in Virginia, 1979-1988, 1990.
VOL. 35,

NO. 4

Mineral resource production in Virginia – 1988, 1989.
VOL. 35,

NO. 3

Estimates of the occurrence and resulting effects of damaging earthquakes in Virginia, 1989.
VOL. 35,

NO. 2

Reorganization of the Division of Mineral Resources, 1989.
VOL. 35,

NO. 1

American Institute of Professional Geologists abstracts from annual meeting, 1989.
VOL. 34,

NO. 4

Geology and the slate industry in the Arvonia district, Buckingham County, Virginia, 1988.

Symposium abstracts (American Association of State Geologists and U. S. Minerals Management Service, 1988)

The Richard Scott Mitchell Memorial Virginia Mineral collection

VOL. 34,

NO. 3

Scenic Landforms of Virginia, 1988.
VOL. 34,

NO. 2

Uppermost Cambrian and lowest Ordovician conodont and trilobite biostratigraphy in northwestern Virginia, 1988.
VOL. 34,

NO. 1

On Radon, 1988.

Mineral update: Plume Agate from Warren County, Virginia

Mineral and energy resources of southwest Virginia

VOL. 33,

NO. 4

Geology of the Carolina stone quarry, 1987.

Carbonate materials suitable for desulfurization of flue gas

Minerals in high-level gravel deposits along the Fall Zone of Virginia

VOL. 33,

NO. 3

Geology of the Briery Creek Triassic basin, Virginia, 1987.
VOL. 33,

NO. 2

Pyrite and other minerals from Barger’s quarry near Lexington, Virginia, 1987.

Highest mountains of the Commonwealth

VOL. 33,

NO. 1

Virginia Mineral Locality Index, 1987.

Mineral update: Brucite from Highland County, Virginia

VOL. 32,

NO. 4

Virginia’s Lime Industry, 1986.

Mineral update: large Andalusite crystals from Virginia

VOL. 32,

NO. 3

Coal-in-water: Fuel of the future?, 1986.

Fredericksburg’s Battlefield Granite

Mineral update: Molybdenite and Pentlandite

VOL. 32,

NO. 2

Morefield pegmatite mine reopens – Virginia’s only active underground gem mine, 1986.

Mineral update: large Cassiterite crystal found in Powhatan County, Virginia

VOL. 32,

NO. 1

Virginia’s industrial silica resources, 1986.

Mineral update: Trolleite

VOL. 31,

NO. 4

Additional gold mines, prospects, and occurrences in Virginia, 1985.
VOL. 31,

NO. 3

Mineral and fossil collecting sites in Virginia, 1985.
VOL. 31,

NO. 2

Mineralogy and chemistry of gold in the Virgilina District, Halifax County, Virginia, 1985.

The Piney Point Formation along the Pamunkey River, Virginia Coastal Plain

VOL. 31,

NO. 1

Travertine-marl deposits of the Valley and Ridge Province of Virginia – A preliminary report, 1985.

Refractory grade dolomite in Virginia

Mineral update: Anglesite, Sphalerite, and Brochantite

VOL. 30,

NO. 4

Uranium and thorium mineralization of the northern half of the Horseshoe Mountain quadrangle, Nelson County, Virginia, 1984.

Characteristics and economic potential of an upland fluvial terrace, Buckingham County, Virginia

Mineral update: Sphalerite from Amherst County

VOL. 30,

NO. 3

Mineral production in Virginia for 1982, 1984.
VOL. 30,

NO. 2

The Middle and Late Pleistocene stratigraphy of the outer coastal plain, southeast Virginia, 1984.

Mineral update: Gold and silver rediscovered in old Amherst County mine

VOL. 30,

NO. 1

Historical background of energy policy: federal response to the energy problem, 1984.

Mineral update: Covellite and pseudomorphs of Goethite after Pyrite

Oil and Gas news

VOL. 29,

NO. 4

Narrows landslide, Giles County, Virginia, 1983.

Oil and Gas projects in Virginia

Mineral update: Cobaltite and Millerite

VOL. 29,

NO. 3

Virginia’s Mineral Industry, 1983.

Geologic displays in Virginia

VOL. 29,

NO. 2

Strontium minerals from Wise County, Virginia – An Update, 1983.

Farmville Lithia Springs

VOL. 29,

NO. 1

Large gem topaz crystal discovery, 1983.

Commercial caverns and related features in Virginia

Old King coal

Large quartz crystals from Rockingham County

VOL. 28,

NO. 4

Gold occurrences in Virginia – An Update, 1982.
VOL. 28,

NO. 3

Geology and mineral resources of the Farmville Triassic basin, Virginia, 1982.
VOL. 28,

NO. 2

Geothermal energy for eastern United States, 1982.
VOL. 28,

NO. 1

Industrial rock and mineral resources in Virginia, 1982.
VOL. 27,

NO. 4

Gas plays in overthrust belts: Activity in Virginia is increasing, 1981.
VOL. 27,

NO. 3

Field guide to selected Paleozoic rocks, Valley and Ridge Province, Virginia, 1981.

Part I – Roanoke, Clifton Forge, Front Royal areas

Part II – Area north of Abingdon along US58A/19M

VOL. 27,

NO. 2

Blue quartz in Virginia, 1981.
VOL. 27,

NO. 1

Natural gas in Virginia, 1981.
VOL. 26,

NO. 4

Soft sediment deformations within clasts of the Liberty Hall Formation, 1980.

Mineral dependability vs mineral vulnerability

VOL. 26,

NO. 3

Process of gold recovery in Virginia, 1980.
VOL. 26,

NO. 2

Geologic research in Virginia, 1980.
VOL. 26,

NO. 1

Road log of the geology of the Abingdon and Shady Valley quadrangles, 1980.

AIME Abstracts

VOL. 25,

NO. 4

Mineral fuels in the 1980’s and 1990’s, 1979.

New cave protection act

VOL. 25,

NO. 3

Gamma ray spectrometry and geology mapping, 1979.
VOL. 25,

NO. 2

Radioactivity surveys, 1979.
VOL. 25,

NO. 1

Summary of coal resources in Virginia, 1979.
VOL. 24,

NO. 4

Seismic hazard in Virginia, 1978.


VOL. 24,

NO. 3

State geologist retires, 1978.

Oil and gas development in Virginia during 1977

VOL. 24,

NO. 2

The mineral industry of Virginia in 1976, 1978.

The mineral industry of Virginia in 1977 (preliminary data)

Replenishing non-renewable mineral resources – a paradox

Basement wells in the Coastal Plain of Virginia

VOL. 24,

NO. 1

Syntectonic deposition of Lower to Middle Silurian sandstones, central Shenandoah Valley, Virginia, 1977.
VOL. 23,

NO. 4

Oil and gas development in Virginia during 1976, 1977.

Trace elements in stream sediments derived from the Catoctin Formation, northern Virginia

VOL. 23,

NO. 3

The Carters Bridge, Virginia Earthquake of February 27, 1977, 1977.

Geological Abstracts: Virginia Section of the Society of Mining

VOL. 23,

NO. 2

Geochemical reconnaissance for gold in the Caledonia and Pendleton quadrangles in the Piedmont of central Virginia, 1977.
VOL. 23,

NO. 1

On Earthquakes, 1977.

The mineral industry of Virginia in 1975 – Advance Summary

The mineral industry of Virginia in 1976 (Preliminary Data)

An unusual octahedral fluorite, stilbite, laumontite, calcite and quartz assemblage in Danville, Virginia

VOL. 22,

NO. 4

Reinterpretation of the geology of Brooks Gap, Rockingham County, Virginia, 1976.

Oil and gas development in Virginia during 1975.

VOL. 22,

NO. 3

Abandoned copper mines and prospects in the Virgilina district, Virginia, 1976.
VOL. 22,

NO. 2

Road log of the geology in the northern Appalachian Valley of Virginia, 1976.
VOL. 22,

NO. 1

The mineral industry of Virginia in 1974 – Advance Summary, 1976.

The mineral industry of Virginia in 1975 (Preliminary Data)

List of road logs of Virginia geology

Silver in Virginia

Your house comes out of a mine

VOL. 21,

NO. 4

Road log of the geology from Madison to Cumberland Counties in the Piedmont, central Virginia, 1975.
VOL. 21,

NO. 3

Oil and gas development in Virginia during 1974, 1975.

Pre-emptive land use – it’s impact on the mineral base

VOL. 21,

NO. 2

The nuclear controversy: the view from Britain, 1975.

Utilization of subsurface information in the Coastal Plain of Virginia

VOL. 21,

NO. 1

Road log to some abandoned gold mines of the gold-pyrite belt, northeastern Virginia, 1975.

The energy supply situation

VOL. 20,

NO. 4

The mineral industry of Virginia in 1973 – Advance Summary, 1974.

Index to Virginia Minerals – Vol. 11, No. 1 – Vol. 20, No. 4

VOL. 20,

NO. 3

Meteorites of Virginia, 1974.
VOL. 20,

NO. 2

Notes on some abandoned copper, lead, and zinc mines in the Piedmont of Virginia, 1974.
VOL. 20,

NO. 1

Mineral and fossil collecting sites in Virginia, 1974.
VOL. 19,

NO. 4

Field trip across the Blue Ridge anticlinorium, Smith River allochthon, Sauratown Mountains anticlinorium near Martinsville, Virginia, 1973.
VOL. 19,

NO. 3

Geologic maps, their preparation and use, 1973.
VOL. 19,

NO. 2

1972 United States energy position, 1973.

1972 United States energy use

Topographic maps – vacation helpers

VOL. 19,

NO. 1

Topographic maps for the Commonwealth, 1973.

Ground magnetic survey, outer Coastal Plain, southeastern Virginia

The mineral industry of Virginia in 1972

VOL. 18,

NO. 4

What mining means to the United States, 1972.

Index to geologic mapping in Virginia: 1961-1971

The mineral industry of Virginia in 1971 – Advance Summary

VOL. 18,

NO. 3

Environment and environmental geology, 1972.
VOL. 18,

NO. 2

Additional Pleistocene mollusks of Virginia, 1972.
VOL. 18,

NO. 1

Deep test in Accomack County, Virginia, 1972.

Large subsurface potential of low-sulfur Pocahontas #3 coal, southwest Virginia

VOL. 17,

NO. 4

Our mineral heritage – overindulgence or self-denial, 1971.
VOL. 17,

NO. 3

Gold mines and prospects in Virginia, 1971.
VOL. 17,

NO. 2

Road log of the geology of Frederick County, Virginia, 1971.

Oil and gas development in Virginia during 1970

VOL. 17,

NO. 1

Gem stones, 1971.

Nature, not only man, degrades environment

Melanterite-rozenite-pyrrhotite occurrence in Carroll County, Virginia

The mineral industry of Virginia in 1970 (Preliminary Data)

VOL. 16,

NO. 4

Mechanical well-logging methods, 1970.
VOL. 16,

NO. 3

Gravity survey of Northampton and Accomack County, Virginia, 1970.
VOL. 16,

NO. 2

Mineral resource development, 1970.

Oil and gas development in Virginia during 1969

VOL. 16,

NO. 1

Road log – storm damaged areas in central Virginia, 1970.

The mineral industry of Virginia in 1969 (Preliminary Data)

Special Issue
Natural features caused by a catastrophic storm in Nelson & Amherst Counties, Virginia, 1969.
VOL. 15,

NO. 4

The mineral industry of Virginia in 1968, 1969.
VOL. 15,

NO. 3

Road logs – Staunton, Churchville, Greenville, and Stuarts Draft quadrangles, 1969.
VOL. 15,

NO. 2

Aerial photographs in Virginia, 1969.

Oil and gas development in Virginia during 1968

VOL. 15,

NO. 1

Coking industry in Virginia, 1969.

The mineral industry of Virginia in 1968 (Preliminary Data)

VOL. 14,

NO. 4

The mineral industry of Virginia in 1967, 1968.
VOL. 14,

NO. 3

Ground water fluctuations in Virginia, 1968.
VOL. 14,

NO. 2

Magnetometer study in the Leesburg quadrangle, 1968.

Oil and gas development in Virginia during 1967

VOL. 14,

NO. 1

Topographic maps and their uses, 1968.
VOL. 13,

NO. 4

The mineral industry of Virginia in 1966, 1967.
VOL. 13,

NO. 3

Reclamation of depleted sand and gravel sites in eastern Virginia, 1967.
VOL. 13,

NO. 2

Oil and gas development in Virginia during 1966, 1967.

Pleistocene Gastropoda of Virginia

VOL. 13,

NO. 1

Virginia’s contribution to the Kyanite-Mullite industry, 1967.

The mineral industry of Virginia in 1966 (Preliminary Data)

Ground water level fluctuations

Riebeckite occurrences in southwest Virginia

VOL. 12,

NO. 4

The mineral industry of Virginia in 1965, 1966.

Predicted lowering of artesian water levels south of the James River

VOL. 12,

NO. 3

Renewed interest in heavy minerals, 1966.

Pleistocene Pelecypoda of Virginia

VOL. 12,

NO. 2

The mineral industry of Virginia in 1965, 1966.

Projected value of mineral production

Management of water resources

Oil and gas development in Virginia during 1965

VOL. 12,

NO. 1

The mineral industry of Virginia in 1964, 1966.

Deepest well in Virginia

VOL. 11,

NO. 4

Suggestions for prospecting for evaporite deposits in SW Virginia, 1965.

Anhyrdrite in the Rome Formation

Large-scale shell production form Hampton Roads

VOL. 11,

NO. 3

Diatomaceous sediments in Virginia, 1965.

Martinsburg Formation in west-central Virginia

VOL. 11,

NO. 2

John W. Flannagan Dam – the prepaid dam, 1965.

Oil and gas development in Virginia during 1964

VOL. 11,

NO. 1

The mineral industry of Virginia in 1963, 1965.

The mineral industry of Virginia in 1964 (Preliminary Data)

Beatrice Pocahontas mine, Buchanan County, Virginia

VOL. 10,

NO. 4

Everona Formation in the northern Piedmont, Virginia, 1964
VOL. 10,

NO. 3

Iron and titanium mineral pigments in Virginia, 1964.
VOL. 10,

NO. 2

Natural Bridge and vicinity, 1964.

Cuprite from Albemarle County

VOL. 10,

NO. 1

Tolley’s Cave, 1964.

Chemical analyses – eastern Albemarle and western Fluvanna Counties

VOL. 9,

NO. 4

The mineral industry of Virginia in 1962, 1963.
VOL. 9,

NO. 3

Lightweight aggregate industry in Virginia, 1963.
VOL. 9,

NO. 2

Geologic mapping (indices for 1931-1960), 1963.
VOL. 9,

NO. 1

Topographic mapping, 1963.

The mineral industry of Virginia in 1962

VOL. 8,

NO. 4

The mineral industry of Virginia in 1961, 1962.
VOL. 8,

NO. 3

Selected Tertiary fossil localities of the Virginia coastal plain, 1962.

Age determination (Buckingham & Fluvanna Counties)

VOL. 8,

NO. 2

Structural clay products industry, 1962.

Survey completed in southwest Virginia

VOL. 8,

NO. 1

Airborne magnetometer survey for Southwest Virginia, 1962.

Recommendation for topographic mapping

Fluoride in well waters of the Virginia Coastal Plain

The mineral industry of Virginia in 1961

VOL. 7,

NO. 4

Utilization of rock materials in the lower Chesapeake Bay bridge-tunnel, 1961.

Age of biotite from the Columbia Granite

Summary of oil and gas well drilling; first half – 1961

VOL. 7,

NO. 3

Highlights in the Virginia Coal industry, 1961.

Oil and gas exploration in eastern Virginia

Underground storage of liquid propane

VOL. 7,

NO. 2

Talc, soapstone, and related stone deposits of Virginia, 1961.
VOL. 7,

NO. 1

Botanical prospecting for ore deposits, 1961.

The mineral industry of Virginia in 1960

VOL. 6,

NO. 4

Strontium minerals from Wise County, Virginia, 1960.
VOL. 6,

NO. 3

Unique fossils from Virginia, 1960.
VOL. 6,

NO. 2

The search for mineral adequacy, 1960.

The mineral industry of Virginia in 1959 (preliminary data)

VOL. 6,

NO. 1

The mineral industry of Virginia in 1958 review, 1960.
VOL. 5,

NO. 4

A summary of ground water conditions in the Piedmont Province of Virginia, 1959.
VOL. 5,

NO. 3

Topographic mapping in Virginia, 1959.
VOL. 5,

NO. 2

A review of oil and gas in Virginia, 1959.
VOL. 5,

NO. 1

The mineral industry in Virginia in 1957, 1959.
VOL. 4,

NO. 4

New equipment, 1958.
VOL. 4,

NO. 3

Directory of rock and mineral producers, 1958.
VOL. 4,

NO. 2

Lime industry in Virginia, 1958.
VOL. 4,

NO. 1

New titanium plant, 1958.
VOL. 3,

NO. 4

The geologists role in Highway Engineering, 1957.
VOL. 3,

NO. 3

Announcement of the Division of Mineral Resources of the Department of Conservation Objectives of the Division, 1957.

The mineral industry of Virginia in 1956 (preliminary data)

VOL. 3,

NO. 2

Mineral collecting in Virginia, 1957.
VOL. 3,

NO. 1

Vermiculite, 1957.
VOL. 2,

NO. 4

Spelunking in Virginia, 1956.
VOL. 2,

NO. 3

Geophysical surveying, 1956.
VOL. 2,

NO. 1

Sulphides in Virginia, 1956.
VOL. 1,

NO. 5

Current manganese operations in Virginia, 1955.
VOL. 1,

NO. 4

Uranium in Virginia, 1955.
VOL. 1,

NO. 3

Ground water in Piedmont, Virginia, 1955.
VOL. 1,

NO. 2

Virginia’s oil and gas resources, 1955.
VOL. 1,

NO. 1

A summary of Virginia’s mineral resources, 1955.