Cave of the Mounds, Blue Mounds, Wisconsin USA
Cave of the Mounds is located in southern Wisconsin just west of Madison WI. I originally visited the cave in September 2010. from Wikipedia: Cave of the Mounds, a natural…
Acanthite locations from Wisconsin
Mine NameLatitudeLongitude LYNNE45.693333-89.980833BEND PROJECT45.294722-90.595833 Minerals:Commodities: ACANTHITE Dataexported from DRC 2.0 (c) 2011 Gary Kindel
Mines in Dodge County, Wisconsin
Minerals: Commodities: CALCIUM - None COPPER - None IRON - None LEAD - None SAND & GRAVEL - None STONE - LIMESTONE CB STONE - None Dataexported from DRC 2.0…
Copper Mines in Wisconsin
Minerals: Commodities: COPPER - NATIVE COPPER - None COPPER - SULFIDE Dataexported from DRC 2.0 (c) 2011 Gary Kindel
Wisconsin Mineral shows for 2011
Wisconsin Geological Society: Wisconsin Mineral shows for 2011 February 26th-27th: Anoka County Gem & Mineral Club's Pre-Spring Show; Har Mar Mall, 2100 Snelling; Sat 10-6; Sun 10-5; March 26th-27th: Greenbush…
Stewart Tunnel, Belleview Wisconsin
Visited the Steward tunnel last September. Beware of parking, I got a $175.00 parking ticket but it was still worth it. When you are in the middle of the tunnel,…
Lake Superior Agate Locations
Here is a summary of Lake Superior Agate collecting locations I recently googled. From Distribution Lake Superior agates were distributed by the Superior Lobe Ice Age glacier approximately…
Mines in Dodge County Wisconsin
NameLatLongTownshipRangeSectionSub_Section28 RowsData exported from DRC 2.0 (c) 2009 Gary KindelIRON RIDGE MINE43.424722-88.534444N/AN/AN/AN/AMAYVILLE MINE43.4375-88.531667N/AN/AN/AN/AMARTIN KADDATZ GRAVEL QUARRY43.208333-88.730278009 N015 E33NWSHERWOOD QUARRY43.245278-88.731667009 N015 E17SWMULTHAUF PIT43.257222-88.478889009 N017 E10W2W2SWSANITARY TRANSFER & LANDFLL INC PIT43.300278-88.505833010 N017…
Geology and Minerals of Rib Mountain near Wausau Wisconsin
Geology of Rib Mountain from: A GEOLOGICAL HISTORY OF RIB MOUNTAIN, WISCONSIN Keith Montgomery Ph.D. Department of Geography-Geology University of Wisconsin -…