DRC 2.0 Walk Through: USGS Place Name Search
Database menu>>Places>>>>SearchThis screen allows you to search over 1 million records for place names for locations or points of interest that appear on any USGS map. Map data is current…
Database menu>>Places>>>>SearchThis screen allows you to search over 1 million records for place names for locations or points of interest that appear on any USGS map. Map data is current…
Database Menu>>Digital Maps>>>>Browse Here is typical record for digital map layer. Most of the map layers are in ESRI Arcview map layer format.
Database Menu>>Digital Maps>>>>ListFilterable list of digital map layers that are included with digital rockhound's companion.
Any mine or location in DRC can be displayed on a digital map.
Databases Menu>>Mineral Collection>>>>Image Slide Show: Displays all mineral specimen photos
Databases Menu>>Mineral Collection>>>>SearchShowing an example of finding all Rockbridgeite specimens from New Jersey USA
Databases Menu>>Mineral Collection>>>>Browse - List: Filterable and sortable list of all specimens in the mineral collection database.
DRC 2.0 Walk Through: Mineral Collection - Images TabDatabases Menu>>Mineral Collection>>>>TreeView: Display collection organized by Species
Databases Menu>>Mineral Collection>>>>Browse - Images Tab _Displays all images associated with specimen.
Databases Menu >>Mineral Collection >>>>Browse - Reports Tab: Summary reports that can be run on the mineral collection database. Species List Summary by Year