Software is a work in progress, DRC is no different. From this revision history, you can see I am actively developing this software. Current version of Digital Rockhound’s Companion is 4.10
To Install the update:
- Have DRC 4.00 installed.
- Download the update from link above or using the check for updates
feature in DRC 4.02+. - Run DRC4_Update.exe.
Please Note:
You must have installed the full version of DRC 4.00 to apply the latest
4.x update. You cannot directly upgrade DRC 3.xx to DRC 4.xx. Anyone who purchased DRC 3.xx, should contact me at for the digital download of DRC 4.0x.
Revision History:
- Build 4.10 Major update to Map builder with minor other features and bug fixes 2022-06-22
- Build 4.09 Minor UI changes and bug fixes 2021-11-19
- Build 4.08 Minor UI changes and bug fixes 2021-10-15
- Build 4.07 Specimen label improvements, image management improvements, various UI improvements memory leak fixes, and bug fixes. 2021-08-08
- Build 4.06 Bug fix and new mineral species data 2021-03-06
- Build 4.05 Various enhancements, bug fixes, and performance improvements. 2021-02-13
- Build 4.04 Various enhancements, bug fixes, and performance improvements.
2021-01-06 - Build 4.03 Various enhancements, bug fixes, and performance improvements.
2020-12-23 - Build 4.02 Various enhancements, bug fixes, and performance improvements.
2020-07-10 - Build 4.01 Added in application upgrade and various bug fixes. 2020-05-09
- Build 4.00 Initial release 2020-04-15
- Build 3.19 Changed Updater 2014-11-15
- Build 3.18 Bug Fix and Enhancements 2014-10-20
- Build 3.17 Bug Fix -Missing DRCSearch.dll file. 2014-07-04
- Build 3.16 Bug fix. Added Run as Administrator to permission of the
application 2014-06-27 - Build 3.15 skipped
- Build 3.14 Bug fixes – Correction for single digital camera feed
- Build 3.13 Enhancement – support for multiple digital camera feeds
- Skipped Builds 3.10 – 3.12
- Build 3.0.9 Bug Fixes and image capture support from USB camera.
- Build 3.0.8 Bug Fixes
- Build 3.0.7 Bug Fixes
- Build 3.0.6 Bug Fixes and enhanced online maps
- Build 3.0.5 Bug Fixes and enhanced online maps 2012-11-04
- Build 3.04 Bug Fixes /Enhancements 2012-06-03
- Build 3.0.3 Added Rock type search to Mine Search plus minor bug fixes
2012-05-19 - Build 3.0.2 Fixed Upgrade from DRC 2.0 2012-04-22
- Build 3.0.1 Fixed DRC updater Check for Updates feature. 2012-04-14
- Build 3.0.0 Rewrite in C# Windows Vista and Window 7. 2012-04-03
- Build 2.0.30 Bug Fix /Enhancement 2010-02-10
- Build 2.0.29 Bug Fix /Enhancement 2010-02-10
- Build 2.028 Enhancement 2009-12-20
- Build 2.0.27 Bug Fix /Enhancement 2009-12-02
- Build 2.0.26 Bug Fix 2009-11-21
- Build 2.025 Bug Fix 2009-11-5
- Build 2.024 Enhancement 2009-10-17
- Build 2.023 Bug Fix 2009-09-12
- Build 2.022a Bug Fix 2009-09-06
- Build 2.022 Bug Fix 2009-08-31
- Build 2.021 Enhancement 2009-07-24
- Build 2.020 Enhancement 2009-06-23
- Build 2.019 Bug Fix 2009-06-20
- Build 2.018 Bug Fix 2009-06-11
- Build 2.017 Bug Fix 2009-05-24
- Build 2.016.Enhancement 2009-05-23
- Build 2.015 Bug Fix 2009-05-22
- Build 2.014 Bug Fix 2009-04-16
- Build 2.012 Bug Fix: 2009-04-11
- Build 2.0.11 Enhancement: 2009-04-05
- Build 2.0.10 Bug Fix: 2009-03-10
- Build 2.0.9 Enhancement: 2009-03-09
- Build 2.0.8 Bug Fix : 2009-03-08
- Build 2.0.7: Bug Fix : 2009-03-06
- Build 2.0.6: Bug Fixes : 2009-02-28
- Build 2.0.5: Enhancement : 2009-01-03
- Build 2.0.4: Bug Fixes : 2009-01-03
- Build 2.0.3: Bug Fixes : 2009-01-03
- Build 2.0.2: Bug Fixes: 2008-12-27
- Build 2.0.1: Bug Fixes and Integrated Update feature: 2008-12-06
- Build 2.0.0 Initial Release of 2.0: 2008-11-01
Bug Fixes, new and enhanced Features:
- Bug fix: Order images for display by taken descending for MineralCollection
- Code cleanup
- Fixed double-click to open FossilReferenceImage
- Added refresh after resizing or storing specimen on Label queue screen
- Updated DRC 4.10 NSIS installers
- Improved spacing on SelectedFeatureListItem.xaml
- Improved spacing on LayerListItem.xaml
- Fixed NSIS to overwrite application files due to updated references
- Updated NSIS files for DRC 4.10 installers
- Improved About()
- Improved zoom to selected feature adding displaying data in current view for shapefile and Macrostrat
- Added Zoom to double-clicked Smallest feature
- Modified Mine layer Labels
- Zoom only works if Mapsui.Projection.SphericalMercator.FromLonLat()
- Simplified MapBuilder code for data selection on map
- Added code to set btnSearchMap visible for my workstation only
- Added scale and zoom widgets to map
- Added help text in footer of MapBuilder
- Rearranged Delete All and Delete current buttons
- Fixed bug where datatype was not assigned to SelectedFeatureList item correctly
- Improved Mine label placement
- When user layer deleted, clear FeatureList on MapBuilder
- Allow Street mapping and Macrostrat to be loaded at the same time
- Tweaked integration.
- Formatted Macrostrat data legend
- Added Map Locator
- Added Macrostrat Data via API call. Mouse_down (1 left click) + left shift key
- Tweaks to MapBuilder
- Merge pull request #2 from garykindel/dependabot/nuget/DRC/DRC/bootstrap-3.4.1
- Bump bootstrap from 3.0.0 to 3.4.1 in /DRC/DRC
- Merge pull request #4 from garykindel/dependabot/nuget/DRC_UNIT_TESTS/log4net-2.0.10
- Bump log4net from 2.0.3 to 2.0.10 in /DRC_UNIT_TESTS
- Merge pull request #3 from garykindel/dependabot/nuget/PicasaPhotoTool/PicasaBLoggeruserControls/log4net-2.0.10
- Bump log4net from 2.0.3 to 2.0.10 in /PicasaPhotoTool/PicasaBLoggeruserControls
- Added FilterOption to SearchLayer()
- Fixed List data visibility issue
- Added web site logo image
- Added back ImageType description to image description text in SlideShow.xaml
- New datesearch icon
- Added CloseOthers and CloseAll to main window.
- Fixed error loading arranged image source and fixed error when fossil.ProperName is null
- Added storage name to specimen grid on label queue
- Fixed Bug where Imageviewer can be loaded twice
- Fixed Bug where UserControlUnLoaded() called when switching between views
- Improved code to unload view cleaning up after ImageViewModel better
- Improved memory management by adding UserControlUnLoaded() to several viewmodels with observable collections of ImageViewModel
- Add image search to ImageViewer
- Fixed bug showing all images on SlideShow
- Fixed start date issue after first of the year on SlideShow
- Bug Fix: Sometimes image cannot be marked or unmarked as favorite from imageviewer view
- Feature: Added Specimen Resize to Label queue ScreenCapture
- Bug: DataSearch: Fixed mineral dropdown value sort
- Bug: Fixed Search dialog – added code to prevent double-click on row from opening record when search is hosted in dialog.
- Fixed Null exception error on RemoveImageAction when current object is null
Build 4.09
- Added SpecimenList to MainPage for image viewing
- UI/Bug Fix: Fixed timer display on Data Search view.
- Updated installers
- Fixed bug with setting proper chemical Formula field
- Fixed Error with Formula property when CurrentMineral is null
- Fixed Mineral name lookup from combobox to textbox
- Fixed Bug:Proper chemical formula display when Richtext formula is not available
- Fixed error whening adding a new SpecimenList
- New Feature: Specimen lists allows specimens to added to multiple lists for easier viewing.
- Memory leak fixes
- UI Improvement: Resize specimesn from Label Print queue screen
- Changes to Views for better support XAML designer in VS 2021 preview 7.0
- UI Improvement: Changed Expander caption more understandable for MineralCollection related specimens
- Fixed error removing linked specimen
- Fixed errors when dbs are empty
- Fixed bugs caused when Mineral.Name is blank and when MineralSpecimen.Name is blank
- Fixed cut-off text on Cabinet Size labels
- Fixed Error if deleting from empty MineralCollection database
- Added Unload event to MainPage and MineralCollection view
- Improved error handling on Mineral Viewmodel LoadAdditionalData() method
- Fixed Add commodity for mine, Added Add to printQueue from data menu
- Fixed how MainPageViewModel is loading preventing excessive reloads.
- Added WebparseMap for locations and locationOcc, Merge in LocationUrl to SpecimenUrls
- Fixed bug preventing Location online references from being loaded properly.
- Added Move image to new Id
- Added migration, Fixed missing Settings info.
- Fixed Image caption shown on Main page, Added ability to update ImageType from SlideShow
- * Image Management
- – Added ImageType to images associated with specimens/collections
- – Added DRCImageType: Unknown, specimen, microphoto, fluorscent
- – Added Image tages to specimen images
- – Improved copy paste links from Image viewer to make it easier to share image and description to social media.
- – Improved Image viewer / SlideShow. Added date range and Image type filter
- – Reorganized Slideshow filter/sort controls and added Filter by Id
- – Added ExpandAll CollapseAll for image details on mineral Collection, fossil collection, and rock collection screens
- – Fixed bug where SpecimenImage is sometimes the full path name.
- * Improved Label Printing
- – New Miniature and Euro sized Labels
- – Choose FontFamily to use on fonts
- – Font is scalable based on size and length of text (to fit)
- – Improved text formatting for labels
- – Fixed Miniature_Label.xaml Miniature_WrapLabel.xaml
- – Fixed file name for Miniature_WrapLabel.xaml
- – Managing visibility of labels properly
- – Added selectable label size and font page to paged labels
- – Added Settings for label and pagedlabel font names.
- * User Inferface Improvements
- – Added Mindat image search
- – Added MindatPhotoSearch buttons in various spots in application
- – Added editing Mineral association for mine
- – Removed Filter by last updated by on slideshow (not useful)
- – Improved Main page image display links.
- – Improved main page grid display
- – Added chemical formula to mineral collection screen.
- – Added save specimen to storage in label print screen.
- – Setting MicroscopeTextVisibility properly when MenuTextVisibility is changed.
- – Fixed richtext control alignment
- – Fixed Google Drive space graph
- – Improved Commodity and Modifier search for mines.
- – Corrected MineralName formatting from ImageViewModel
- – Added Expand All and Collapse All image details for MineralCollection.xaml, FossilCollection.xaml and RockCollection.xaml formatted as SmallRoundButton style
- * Bug Fixes
- – Fixed Legacypath issue with opening PDFs
- – Fixed sorting on various lists for datasearch
- – Fixed error in richtextbox when source is empty string
- – Fixed Missing bindings on MainWindow.xaml
- – Improved BindableRichTextBox control
- – Fixed Arranged image in Storage Manager again.
- – Fixed matching mineral name while typing in combobox
- – Fixed Mineral lookup parameter in Mineral specimen search to include 2nd species.
- – Fixed Misaligned dialog content on MainWindow.xaml
- – Fixed bug deleting label item from queue using keystroke
- – Code Cleanup 6/12/2021
- – Code cleanup for memory leaks related to DBcontext.dispose. Moved calls into using{} statements
- – Fixed FossilReferenceImage SlideShow and imageviewer broken by latest changes for FOV changes
- – Fixed Mineral OnMove()
- – Fixed RTF chemical formula display when Mineral.Formula2 is null
- – Fixed Import for Webbrowser for species listed for mine at
- – Fixed Error displaying mine on mapview when coordinate are empty/null
- – Fixed display message when deleting a mineral record.
- – Fixed child tables when adding a new mineral record.
- – Fixed missing mineral link on imageviewer. Fixed mindat image from image.
- – Small changes to compile in VS 2022 Version 17.0.0 Preview 2.1
- – Tweaked menu loading calling Initialize(). This is related changes to loading menu view in designer
- – Fixed viewmodel constructor issue to avoid db code in designer for databound usercontrols
- – Moved InitializeDatabases() to before InitializeComponents() in MainWindow
- – Fixed (More Images) excluded from date range SearchLayer
- Added Mineral datasummary
- Fixed errors when databases are empty.
- Fixed error with empty system database
- Added CSV import tool for Mineral data.
- Imported new minerals 1990-2020. 2000+ new species added.
- Refactored Mineral UI
- Added image favorite to imageviewer
- Refactored ImportDataPage to using BaseViewModel
- Fixed MapBuiler throwing error on from installed copies.
- Add mine button to ImageViewer
- Changed column order PeriodicTable result columns
- Fixed PeriodicTable view rendering eliminated scrollviewer
- fixed bug opening vendor from specimen
- Added Stored label sheet print.
- Fixed missing data types: ImageTag, SpecimenURL, RockURL ,and FossilURL in DataHelper.LoadDataList()
- Several other small UI tweaks
- Improved display loading pagedlabels
- Added labelsheet print for a storage location
- Improved error handling around iTextSharp.text.pdf.PdfWriter writer = iTextSharp.text.pdf.PdfWriter.GetInstance()
- Fixed MineralSpecimen cover that disappears after saving.
- Fixed bug causing Storage to lose its image after downloading it from SimpleTransfer.
- Added FOV on Image Titles
- Added Copy Image Title to Clipboard.
- Fixed AddImage on StorageLocation
- Added FOV to imageTitle and added copyImageTitleToClipboard.
- Fixed ToTitleCase() StringExtension.
- Added Miniature size labels
- Fixed bug cloning LabelDataField objects
- Date fix displaying current week of images.
- Added About button main menu. Build 4.0.3
- Added more exception handling to ImageHelper
- Fixed Date search, truncating Now() to Today at Midnight
- Added mine coordinates to MineralCollection view / ViewModel
- Restored map symbol for points
- Various fixes
- Improved image header click to view data
- Added comments
- SlideShow: Fixed DateTaken Sort
- Added Copy summary to clipboard feature
- Fixed county lookup error
- Fixed SearchAsync with configureAwait(false)
- Code clean
- Added Value and Year Valued searches
- Code cleanup 11/6/2020
- Improved remove url feature
- Added relatedMineralSpecimens and images
- Added CopyToClipboard button to ImageViewer
- Added additional TransFer Pro icons
- Preserving EXIF between image copy and image rotate
- Optimized SlideShow
- Using DatenTaken for images
- Refactored MainPage.xaml
- Modified MainPage.xaml
- Fixed bug selecting AddImage
- Added configurable MicroscopeNotes to MainMenu.xaml
- Formatted EXIF TreeView properly.
- Added View EXIF dialog
- More isNull support
- Added more IsNUll support to DataSearch
- Added IsNull Support DataSearch => Mineral collection
- Added Specific browser support
- Added Saving images on Google as UploadedFiled.
- Added Clear command to OnlineManager
- Added Save GoogleFiles PDFs => UploadedFiles
- Fixed bug in google BuildSearchString().
- Tweaked MultiImages from Mainpage,
- Added IsPDFUploaded check
- Added UploadedFiles
- expanded check for multiple images to enable/disable more images label/button
- Added DeleteGoogleFile action
- Fixed async FetchFilesInFolderAsync() in OnlineManager
- Added grid vs extended wrapping line view to SlideShow
- OnlineManager added view image and view pdf
- Changed MainPage grid loading to async
- Added fetch files from google drive.
- Added Fetch folders directly from google drive.
- Initial commit online manager
- Bug: Fixed null exception when location does not have state id in TreeView/CountryViewModel.cs
- Feature: Added specimen linking to DataSearch view.
- New Feature: Online References: Extract host name from URL automatically
- Added ClearCoverImage and CopyToClipboard for MineralCollection, FossilCollection, and RockCollection
- Fixed ImageViewModel to use Image Tag for mineral name if it exists.
- Using zip file to push out x86 and x64 files Build 4.0.2
Fixed Mineral dropdown vs typed name for MineralCollection
Improved ImageRotate without clipping
Changed style for SlideShow and fixed location image sorting.
Fixed LastUpdated image sort.
Added LastUpdated field to SlideShow sort
Added SortOptionVisibility
Added field sorting to SlideShow
Added RemoveMineralVariety with action
Added MineralVarities
Improved MineralCollection loading
Improved StorageManagerFindSpecimen Drap and drop into storage
locations -
Implemented async search in PeriodicTable
Added Result count to PeriodicTable search
Fixed PeriodicTable search broke broke by mouse over
highlighting -
Added print label color.
Improved Image slideshow
Improved UpdateMineralName() to prevent unwanted changes when
switching between records. -
Added Mineral combo for mineral name on
MineralCollection. -
Fixed bug theme category copy not using
SelectedDisplayOrder -
Added zone21 Transformation for Canadian Maritime
provinces -
Added new coordinate system translations
Fixed NS projection
Added Display on map on Mine.cs for mine and nearby
mines -
Fixed FindMines lookup
Build 4.0.1
- Added back in application ‘Check for Updates’
- Improved NSSI installation and update scripts
- Fixed several performance issues with data search screen.
- Eliminated slow subqueries for associated mineral specimens and nearby
mines. - Improved Main page access to recent and favorite images added to DRC.
Build 4.0.0Focus of this build was to create stable platform for
Windows 10 and better touch screen support.- Entire application as Windows Presentation Foundation
application using C#, model-view-viewmodel design pattern. - Database backend rewritten to use Sqlite and MS Entity Frame for
.netcore - Mapsui mapping library GIS map display.
- Simplified user interface optimized for Windows 10.
- Same great data searching.
- Same great mineral/fossil/rock collection management tools.
- Improved digital microscope/camera support.
Build 3.17
Bug Fix:- Missing file DRCSearch.dll in update installer and
full installer (from DVD).
Build 3.16
Bug Fix- Added Run as Adminstrator to DRC.exe
Build 3.14
Bug Fix:- Corrected camera detection when single and multiple video feed
devices are connected - Corrected linkedTable list removing incorrect entry.
Build 3.13Enhancement:- Added support to use multple video capture devices, allow you
to select which device you want to use. This allows a
webcam and a digital microscope to be connected at the same
Build 3.0.9
Fixes- Fixed bug in the Storage Manager assigning specimen to a
storage location by dragging and dropping - Added cataloged column to the stored specimen and find
specimen grids
New Feature:- Added image capture button to mineral specimen screen
(immediately beneath the front cover image) that will capture
image from an active camera or digital microscope.- Should support most USB cameras
- Tested with Celestron 44302-B handheld microscope.
Build 3.0.7:
FixesFixed bug adding images when Mineral Collection file is empty.
Fixed bug in MineMaps building path to map files
Build 3.0.6:
Replaced reporting engine.
Eliminated Crystal Reports from DRC.
Microsoft RDLC reports
Zipped folder for Map Files to eliminate the need for CD/DVD
Reviewed entire code base using ReSharper Tool.
link to Help FileBuild 3.0.5
Data Explorer, Mine Explorer and Map builderSupports online maps from Open Street map, Bing
and GoogleImproved
Fossil databaseAdded ability to add fossil images
Added Fossil labels
Enhanced Fossil support in Collection Manager
Upgraded to
Crystal Reports 2011
Application to use Microsoft .net 4.00 sp1Added Support
for Office 2003+ Word and Excel
error handling specifically in the following areas:When Starting up application and linking to
dataIn the Map control for Mine Explorer and map
builderCode used to manage upgrades
Build 3.0.4
Export to Word to reports (mines, mineral collection, mineral
labels) – requires MS office installed
Export to Word to Grids (search screens, periodic Table, and data
lists) – requires MS office installed
Disable Excel and word buttons and grayscaling icons when MS Office
is not installed.
RockType and Formation search parameters to Mine Search
Specimen report – Species List Report error
Specimen Search – Associated species not included in main species
Properly handling error exporting to Excel or Word when MS Office
not installed.
null error when no CD or DVD present on computer or netbook.
Upgrade installer now removes old DRC 2.0 updater DLL that was
installed in WindowsSystem32 folder.
Corrected upgrade install to prevent constant install of images.Build 3.0.3
- Enhancements:
- Added Rock type to mine search.
- Bug fixes
- Blogger Tool: FontSize not handled properly.
- Added missing tooltip messages on buttons
- Corrected Version numbering again.
Build 3.0.2
- Fixed upgrades from DRC 2.0. Error linking to missing
tables: GoogleAccounts, lstDepositTypes, lstLayerColors,
tblCleavage, tblHabits, tblFractures. - Fixed Bug where Upgrade to DRC 2.0 did not run at.
Build 3.0.1
Bug Fixes:- Fixed Bug in DRC updater prevented Check for Updates menu option detecting the latested 3.0.1
patch as a new update for DRC 2.0.30 clients.
Build 3.0.0
- The entire application rewritten in C# .net 3.5 framework. –
No more VB6 - Replaced GIS control with open source SharpMap control.
- Using all standard Windows controls from Microsoft Visual Studio –
No third party controls. - Using Iconic.ZIP library for file compression
tasks. - Switched reports to crystal reports. (Boo! I know I know but
I could not find a better alternative and it came with
Microsoft Visual Studio - Similar User Interface (UI).
- Better stability.
- Better Windows OS support for Vista and Windows 7.
- You can actually add new mines!
- Added Google Books to Book Search
- Enhanced Show mine on map feature with thematic mapping for
minerals and commodities.
Build 2.0.30
Mouse cursor: hourglass disappearing before
form is opened.
* Mine Search
– Added Deposit Type
search parameter
– Change Commodity search
parameter to be a dropdown list
– Changed Commodity
Modifier search parameter to be a dropdown list
Added PrintList button to:
– Book List
– Location List
– Fossil List
– Mine Search
– Mineral List
– Mineral Search
– Periodic Table Search
– Mineral Collection Search
– Mineral Collection List
– Digital Map Layer List
– Place Name Search
– Storage Location List
Data Update:
Mineralogical Record
– Updated index and cover
images up to Q1 2010.
Build 2.0.29
* Improved Mineral Search
– Added dropdown
list for Cleavage values
– Added dropdown
list for Fracture values
– Added dropdown
list for crystal habit values
– Added
Country/State/County parameters to search to produce list of mineral
species found at selected region.
* Replaced existing webbrowser control
based on IE with newer control supported by the .net
– Google cutting IE
6.0 support March 1, 2010.
* ImageImport Tool
– Added button to
delete all selected images from temporary
* Digital Map Layers
– Replaced mapping
control with newer control written in C# .netframework 2.0
* DRC to Blogger interface
– Added View Data to list
export. Allows you to remove rows before export.
– Changed button icons and
added tooltip text
– Added multiple select list of
existing tags so user can add tags when creating a blog
Bug Fixes
* DRC to Blogger interface
– Fixed bug prevented
blog entries from being updated after being cached locally.
– Fixed bug that could
cause google login to be very slow.
– Corrected messages in status bar to
properly reflect actions while searching.
* ImageImport Tool
– Fixed File delete from
temporary image cache
Build 2.028
- Replaced Data Combo box on Collecting Locations and Mineral
Collection screens so the auto-complete feature works smoother. - Rearranged Collecting Locations screen to make it more visually
Build 2.027
- Bug Fix: Error 730 when opening Mine Search.
- Bug Fix: Fixed bug in Dropdown list auto-complete on Collection
Search, Mine Search, Mineral Search, and Place Search screens. - Bug Fix: Fixed bug in Collecting searching ignoring not clearing
results after each search. - Enhancement: Replace Bulk Image capture with new screen.
Build 2.026
- Bug Fix: Fixed Place Search lookup on Mine form
- Bug Fix: Fixed error 438 on Digital Map button from Mine Search
Build 2.025
- Bug Fix: Full Installation failing to upgrade the database
properly. - Enhancement: Replaced Data Combo box on several search screens
that use proper auto-complete while typing or selecting
Build 2.024
- Major Enhancement – Added ability to blog data and photos from
DRC 2.0 to a Blogger blog using Google Account. - Bug Fix: Updater, blogger no longer providing contentlength 100%
of the time when downloading a webpage.
Build 2.023
- Bug Fix: Corrected an error in DRC Updater (caused by change at
Windows Live site) that prevented the update from being
Build 2.022a
- Bug Fix: error in installer that caused runtime error 429 object
not found when installed on a workstation for the first time.
DRC version remains at 2.022. Installer change only
Build 2.022
- Bug Fix: Added back user prompt to exit and install update after
download is complete.
Build 2.021
- Enhancement: Improved Updater added.
Build 2.020
- BugFix: Errors linking tbDeposits and tbGeology tables for Mine
Summary report - Enhancements: Ability to delete images from image cache and
unassigned Images.
Build 2.019
- Enhancement: Added reports support to Mines Form and added Mine
Summary report.
Build 2.018
- BugFix: Filtering image files only to import into piccache
folders - Enhancement: Added Delete warning to delete button on
Build 2.017
- BugFix: Fixed Fossil menu issue on Windows 2000
Build 2.016
- Enhancement: Fully intregrated new Fossil collection database
into DRC including basic data entry, adding/importing images,
label printing, custom list creation, and storage locations for
Build 2.015
- Fixed bug that prevented images from being imported.
- Enhancement: Added Fossil Specimen database.
Build 2.014
- Fixed Another annoying syntax error when saving mineral
Build 2.0.13
- Fixed annoying syntax error when saving mineral specimen.
Build 2.0.12
- Reworked Online Updates to support change in SkyDrive user
policy, nolonger supporting direct static links to files.
Build 2.0.11
- Added Right-click menu option to Maximize and RestoreSize to
forms, so the UI experience is better. - Fixed bug causing CPU usgae to spike when closing application if
form windows are maxizimed. - Improved the DRC Download latest update process to automatically
close DRC and launch the update. - Added URL link to SkyDrive Folder home of DRC Updates.
Build 2.0.10
- Fixed tbMineral_Alias and tbMineral_Varities in tbMinerls.mde to
allow zero length strings in color and description fields.
Build 2.0.9
- Enhancement – Opens folder where DRC_UPDATE.EXE is located when
download is complete.
Build 2.0.8
- Fixed Error on Mine Search, invalid sql after selecting State
value from Dropdown combobox.
Build 2.0.7
- Fixed Error 3021 recordset BOF EOF when opening an empty custom
Build 2.0.6
- Fixed error causing invalid use of null error when saving first
custom list. - Fixed one error condition that was leading to error message
operation cancelled when browsing the mineral collection
database record to record using arrow (VCR) buttons.
Build 2.0.5
- Added Get Latest Update option under Help Menu. Also opens
explorer to location where Update file was downloaded to.
Build 2.0.4
- Label object and help buttons become misaligned when the Map
Builder form is resized to be taller.
Build 2.0.3
- Duplicate Index error when saving mine search results to custom
list if mine alias names are displayed in the search results.
Build 2.0.2
- Cannot add available map layer to a new or an existing digital
map - Incorrect version of Application displayed in lower left status
bar panel.
Build 2.0.1
- Added Check for Updates to Application
- Auto-complete for data bound dropdown lists not working as