Back in the early 1980s, I went on several collecting trips to the Barnesville, Ohio area to hunt for petrified wood but never found any. Last year (2018) , I finally acquired several pieces of ‘Barnesville’ petrified wood which is a fossil fern trunk and root clusters of Psaronius. The wood is typically very dark brown to black with clear to white patches of quartz.
I bought the first two pieces from eBay, abit pricey but I’ve seen so little of it for sale over the years.
Afterwards, I bought three much larger pieces from the Stark County Mineral show (April 2018) in the silent auction. My final piece which is the largest, my wife found at the Hartville Flea Market in June 2018 for a bargain price of $20.00.
If you find yourself in northeast Ohio in late March April, I recommend the Stark County Mineral show.
Facebook Page: Stark County Mineral Society
Here are phots showing cross sectional wood texture of Psaronius:
Here are photos showing ‘with the grain’ texture of Psaronius: