I just released the latest update to Digital Rockhound’s Companion Version 3.16

 Bug Fix:

  • DRC updates in DRC.exe is working again!
  • Added Run as Administrator for Windows 7 and Windows 8 users

  This update also rolls out DRC 3.0 to anyone using DRC version 2.00 as a free update.


  You can download the using DRC 3.0 if you have version 3.0.16 or higher, otherwise, you must download it manually.   Download DRC_Update.exe
BTW, DRC will not run on Windows Touch Tables using WinRT.  WinRT is a variation of Windows 8 but is not backwards compatible with Windows 7.
For Windows 8 / Windows 8.1
After you download DRC_Update.exe to your Windows 8 / Windows 8.1 workstation, you map have Windows SmartScreen appear and warn you about the file.
Click more info

Click run anyway
You will also get a Windows prompt, that DRC_UPDATE.exe is attempting to update your system, click Yes to allow it.