DRC 2.0 Walk Through: Business Contacts
Database Menu>>Contacts>>>>BrowseView, add, delete, or modify business contacts within DRC. It comes preloaded with mineral and lapidary shops for the US.
Database Menu>>Contacts>>>>BrowseView, add, delete, or modify business contacts within DRC. It comes preloaded with mineral and lapidary shops for the US.
Database Menu>>MagazinesView, add, delete, or modify magazine issues for your favorite mineral related publication.DRC comes with a partial index for Mineralogical Record and for Rock and Minerals Magazine.
Database Menu>>Maps>>>>Topo Maps>>>>>>Browse You can Browse through all of the USGS Topo map index database records that are referenced by mines and locations with DRC.
Every location, place or mine in DRC can be displayed on Google Maps integrated with DRC.
After searching for a Place name, selecting the record opens the record.
Database menu>>Places>>>>SearchThis screen allows you to search over 1 million records for place names for locations or points of interest that appear on any USGS map. Map data is current…
Database Menu>>Digital Maps>>>>Browse Here is typical record for digital map layer. Most of the map layers are in ESRI Arcview map layer format.
Database Menu>>Digital Maps>>>>ListFilterable list of digital map layers that are included with digital rockhound's companion.
Any mine or location in DRC can be displayed on a digital map.
Databases Menu>>Mineral Collection>>>>Image Slide Show: Displays all mineral specimen photos