I enabled the redirect from my old blogger site to the new domain this morning.

After fourteen years, I have finally started migrating away from blogger. My choice to use WordPress.org is surprising to even me because I did not start as a fan of WordPress. Originally Blogger was the perfect solution: it was easy to use, feature rich (at the time) , and it was free. The mission statement for my Digital Rockhound’s companion software has been use as little commerical software as possible, pay for as little as you need to. I wanted this project to make money without spending potential profits. For several years, this approach worked well but it was ultimately dependent upon Google. At one point, I was actively attempting to use as many Google resources as possible with the project but that was the ‘old do no evil’ Google. Alot has changed since 2008. Google is now outwardly hostile to Windows desktop development now; Google has dropped many useful API interfaces and scaled back support for many others including Blogger; and I don’t want to change my application a web browser hosted app running in Chrome.

So my goals for 2022+ are: ditch blogger (done), actively market Digital Rockhound’s companion 4.0 (currently in progress), design and sell motorized stereo microscope constructed from Legos (I know might sound crazy) for lower end microscopes (currently in progress), add linux support for Digital Rockhound’s companion (in the planning stage 90% change this will be accomplished using .net Maui). Long term goal: dump Windows (started).