Here is specimen found at Lamereaux Road Bridge, Monroeville, Ohio – Siderite Concretion and Pyrite Nodule Location

Data exported from DRC 3.00 (c) 2011 Gary Kindel
ID: 2805 Mineral: PYRITE
Mine ID: Mine:
City: Monroeville County: Huron
State: OHIO Country: USA
Color: Brassy Size: Small Cabinet
Description: xline nodule
Year Aquired: 2011 Radioactive: False
Price: $0.00 Fluorescent: False
Value: $10.00 Vendor: Collected by Joanne
Notes: Found at Lamereaux Road Bridge, Monroeville, Ohio – Siderite Concretion and Pyrite Nodule Location Stored at:
Specimen Images